
Monday, April 23, 2012


Welcome to my blog---Poet For Jesus!

Thanks for stopping by!  I pray God uses what I post on here to be a blessing to you!  To repeat what is in the blog description, I am passionate about Jesus, my family, Bible Prophecy and writing poetry! 

I gave my heart to Jesus when I was 10 years old in June 1987 at a Southern Baptist revival. It has by far been the best decision I could ever make!  Jesus has been my best friend and way closer than a brother through good times and bad. I would literally be dead if it wasn't for Jesus! 

I have been married to my beautiful wife for 7-1/2 years!  We have two sons who are 6 years and another that will be 4 years old in May!   Even though raising a family has its challenges and stresses, Jesus has definitely blessed me far beyond words through my wife and sons!   I enjoy being a husband and dad so much! My wife is so beautiful and kind!  She radiates the love of Christ so well!   I am so proud to have her as my wife! She is definitely the gold medal around my neck!  My two sons are so much fun to be around!   They are very high energy and enjoy being outside!  We enjoy going to the park together!

I have been passionate about Bible Prophecy since I was a teenager!  The book of Revelation has always been my favorite book of the Bible!  In my lifetime, I have read that book atleast 6 if not 7 times!  There are so many things that are happening these days that are fulfilling prophecy!  Crazy weather patterns and unrest in the middle east just to name a few!   It's exciting to see Bible prophecy unfold in the news!  I believe in a pre-trib rapture!  I look forward to Jesus coming back and calling us back home!

I have been writing poetry since my early teens!  In my teenage years, I wrote over 100 poems!  That was when I lived in Alabama.  When I moved to Minnesota in 2002, I left my early poems behind in my Mom's house.  Unfortunately, when Hurricane Katrina came, all the possessions I left behind including my poems were destroyed.

I stopped writing poetry in my later teens and in my twenties. Finally, in December 2009, I asked God if I could start writing poetry again.  On, Dec 28, 2009,  God started giving me ideas for poems, and I have been writing again since then! 

 I am currently writing my first book of mostly Christian poetry!  It started with that first new poem on Dec. 28, 2009.  It has been a long, but rewarding process!  What a joy to write poetry!  I feel closest to Jesus when I write!  Sometimes finding time to write poetry can be a challenge! Expecially between working full time, raising two sons, spending quality time with family, and attending church.  But whne I get to do so, boy, is it fun!!!!  I am really close to being finished with writing poems for the book!  I will keep you posted on this blog on the progress of the book!  Soon, I will start typing up the book on the computer so I can submit to the publishing company. There is a promising one I have found online that isn't a self-publishing company.

One more thing.  I also enjoy praying for people!  So if you have a prayer request don't hesitate to let me know! I'd be happy to pray for you!

Thanks for taking the time to read this blog!  Feel free to leave comments!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!   And keep checking back!

Be blessed!  Have a great day! 

Jesus loves you! And so do I!


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