
Sunday, May 27, 2012

My LIfe and Poetry Book Update! May 26th, 2012 edition


I hope this Saturday night finds you tremedously happy and in the best of health! I received some sad news that my best bud Jon is in the hospital.  Please keep him in your prayers that God will provide a miraculous healing for Jon either through God speaking the word and/or giving the doctors the wisdom for treating Jon!  Thanks!

I have great news!  I am pretty much done with typing up my manuscript for my book of poetry.  The next step for me is to type up an "About The Author" section and then I can submit it to the publishing company for consideration!  I am very excited!   It has took me 2 1/2 years to write this book.  Writing this book has been such a rewarding experience! It has really improved my relationship with God.  I feel the closest to God when I write!   Out of the 91 or so poems I have written for this project, 78 of them has made the final cut. Unless God gives me more poems to write between now and Sunday afternoon, the poem count should stay at 78. 

This weekend, my wife and my sons with my in-laws decided to go to my in-laws cabin.  I had to stay home since I have to work on the weekends.  I hope they are having a wonderful and a relaxing time!  It's a little strange having the whole house to myself for more than a couple of hours. But I also enjoy having some time to myself.  Last weekend, my oldest son went camping with his Grandfather and my son's church group---Royal Rangers.  He had to come home a day early due to some storms.  And speaking of storms, we have been getting a ALOT of rain lately! This week, my oldest son and I had to go to the library 3 times this week so he can have something to do before he goes to school.  The outside has been too wet to go to the park.  Normally, my oldest son (who's 6) and I will go to the library to use their computers once a week. Then the rest of hte time, we will either go to the nature center or to the park.  But it has been too wet to do either one! 

My youngest son turned 4 years old this past Tuesday. The day before (on Monday) we went to Chuck E Cheese to help celebrate his birthday with is Grandparents.  It was a lot of fun playing games with my 2 boys.  The next day, on my youngest actual 4th birthday, we had a pull apart cupcake cake that we celebrated with.  (these were left overs from the day before). And he opened up his presents which he was delighted to receive.

Well, I hope everyone is having a great week!  Remember to pray for Jon!

  Jon, I hope you get better soon!  Zach, please keep me posted on your Dad's condition!

If you have prayer requests, feel free to leave it in the comment section or to e-mail it to me at


  1. Hey, Jerry thanks for keeping my dad in your prayers! I just got back from the hospital about a half an hour ago, it's about 10:30 pm here. I was able to stay 2 hours past visiting hours, I guess that's the advantage of being an intern there lol. He had his surgery around 6:30 pm and was in recovery by 7. They said that he's doing really well. He's still drugged up and they think that he'll be that way for at least 3 or 4 hours. If all goes well, he'll be able to go home tomorrow before noon, if not, then he'll be back for sure on Monday. He'll be on bed rest for a week. I'm going to let him use my laptop since he'll probably need something to do lol. And you have some great entries for him to read ;) But thank you so much for keeping him in your prayers! I'm really grateful for that!

    78 poems?! That's great! I don't think I've written that much! I can't wait to be able to read it! How are you enjoying your time to yourself? Please wish your son a happy belated birthday from me! May the Lord bless you and your family and thank you for everything!


    1. So glad to hear that your Dad is doing so well! I am enjoying it. I think for Sunday church service I will go to the 9am service instead of the 11am service and then try to get to bed earlier by noon so I can get a full 8 hours of rest. But we'll see.. :)

  2. Aw, thank you so much for your prayers! It really did help me through the entire thing!

    It's great having your house to yourself! haha. Not that I don't like my kids around, its just my time to be completely idiotic and not scar anyone for life! haha. Hows the weather been for you now? It's still summer-like over here. I hope June Gloom doesn't show it's face! lol
