One of my readers asked me if I could post my testimony on my blog. I am more than happy to post my testimony! Thanks for asking! I hope my testimony serves as a blessing for each and everyone of you! God bless you all!
My Testimony---Salvation
There are so many things I can testify about. There are so many stories I can tell about how many ways God has blessed me. But for this particular blog entry I will tell you how I got saved. Future entries will have other areas on how God has worked in my life.
As a child, I wasn't really raised in church. I remember when I was 5 years old when I did go to Sunday School a few times at the local Baptist church in town. Besides that, we would pretty much go to church only when they offered holiday meals or pot lucks.
On October 1986, when I was 9 years old, I (and my sister) went to live with my Aunt Amelia and Uncle Dutch in Saraland, AL. My Mother had gotten really depressed over my Dad's death (that occured in 1981 when I was 4 years old) and wasn't able to take care of us. So we went to live with them. However, after one month, my sister decided to go back and live with Mom, but I remained with Aunt Amelia and Uncle Dutch.
During this time (October 1986 to July 1987), for the first time, I started going to church on a regular basis. Aunt Amelia, Uncle Dutch, 2 of their 3 daughters (the other daughter had already moved out), and I went to a Baptist church called Bayou Sara Baptist Church. We attended Sunday mornings, Sunday nights and Wednesday nights. Sunday mornings were made up of sunday school and church service. Sunday nights were made up of church training and church service. Wednesdays was made up of RA's (Rangers In Action) and Children's Choir. The adults did choir practice.
I really enjoyed the whole church experience! It was during church training that I learned to memorize my very first Bible verse: John 3:16 . RA's was a lot of fun! RA's was a class for boys my age. The two things I remember most about is going to McDonalds to get ice cream and going on a fishing trip. Children's Choir of course was fun!
Finally, sometime in June 1987, Bayou Sara Baptist Church was host for a Revival. That was also an enjoyable experience! We went to church services every day of the week. I remember during one of those days I was in the fellowship hall with some other kids led by our teacher named Sue. Toward the end of the class, she led us all into the "sinners prayer of faith". At the end of the prayer, she said that if you prayed the prayer and meant it, then you need to go sign up to be baptized. Since I had prayed that prayer and meant it, that evening during church, I went upfront and signed up to be baptized!
During that week, my cousins Bridgette and Tammy helped me practice being baptized. It was so nice of them that they would take the time with me to practice! So at the end of the week, I got baptized! Wow! What an experience! It's like a photograph stamped into my mind! I remember coming out of that water and feeling a "clean" that I had never experienced before. Looking back, it was like a "deep down soul clean". No amount of bathing and no amount of soap could ever leave me feeling this clean!
This June 2012 will make 25 years since I became a believer-in-Christ! Time sure does fly by! Life sure has been an adventure with Christ is my life! He's been my protector, provider, healer, comforter, etc..etc..etc...I would quite literally be dead without Christ in my life! I can't wait until I get to testify how Christ has worked in other areas of my life! Until then...God bless you! I pray this testimony has been a blessing to you!
Now it's your turn...
What is your testimony? You can either post it under the comments section. Or you can post it on your blog if you have one. Or you can even e-mail me your testimony at: . I look forward to hearing of and to reading your testimonies!!!!
25 years! That is incredible! I have learned so much about you just in these past few days and the more I know about you, the more of an inspiration you become! So your Aunt and Uncle were positive influences on your life! My friend Adam read your blog this morning and told me that he is working on sending you his testimony! I'm going to be writing mine soon too. Thank you for sharing such a positive story with all of us!
ReplyDelete- Zach
Great testimony! I remember you telling me about it when we first starting emailing! Even then, I thought it was inspiring. You mentioned that your sister went back to live with your mom, did she become her primary caregiver? How many years age difference are you and your sister? I also like the part where you said "no amount of bathing and soap could ever leave me feeling this clean!" you're always using metaphors even when you aren't writing poetry! It comes natural to you ;)