
Friday, August 10, 2012


I wanted to forward an article by Ron Graham which does a really great job on explaining the difference between justificaiton, sanctification and glorification.  Click on the link below to read it:



  1. Another great article! Someone that follows your blog through email actually emailed me and asked me if I saw this article that you posted! I think it is a great explanation on the differences between the three! This is a concept that I had to go over several times until I fully understood! Thank you for sharing this!

  2. This reminds me of one of the lessons Zach did awhile ago. I remember thinking "huh? What is all of this?" I didn't even know what "being saved" really meant. That's why I had no idea why it was so important to do so! But I learned that there is much more to that and now it all makes more sense. I enjoyed reading that article and I'll probably read it again haha
